Whole life is a powerful vehicle that, when properly structured, can offer long-term insurance protection and even has the ability to provide tax-free income. To sell even more whole life insurance, we must first show the value to our clients. In this article, we'll show you how.
I want to start out this article by stating the obvious: We should not sell any kind of insurance that is unsuitable to our clients' needs. That's the whole point of being a trusted advisor. That's also our focus here at Life Design Analysis. That being said there are a lot of people who could benefit from at least some form of permanent coverage such as whole life.
Let's start off by defining what Whole life insurance is. Whole life insurance is a form of permanent life insurance, meaning the insurance benefit is payable to your beneficiary regardless of the age of the insured* (provided the policy is paid up or in good standing.) This is different from term insurance in that most term products have a renewable to age where the policy would lapse/expire. Whole life generally can be classified in one of two categories Participating and Non-Participating.
Yes, whole life is expensive but I always like to stress that, "price only matters in the absence of value." It's not often we don't get what we pay for with almost any type of product these days. Today, if something is simply expensive without being good, the market would dictate its failure. However, whole life has been around for well over 100 years. This famous Venn diagram highlights the drawback that price generally has on the effectiveness of a product or the speed in which it is delivered.
So how can we get our clients to see the value in permanent products?
One way to get your clients or prospects to see the value in permanent products is to ask them how long they would like their insurnace to last.
My Stepfather would always ask clients at the first meeting:
When do you want your insurance to end?
He would wait for as long as it took for the client to answer.
"Well, when I die," the client would say.
This is an important question to ask because many people only focus on the initial cost or the immediate need of a term policy, forgetting the value of term insurance is accessed when one passes away. Did you know less than 1% of term insurance is issued as a claim for people over 60? So by getting your clients to think about the big picture, we can show them the real value of permanent insurance.
Don't get me wrong. There is still a place for term insurance. I cant think of a better short-term fix when cash flow is limited but it is always better to at least have some form of permanent coverage. Remember:
"Term is like a diaper and at some point you are going to have to change it."
Now, we also talk about value not in terms of just cost of the product but what it offers cash and a way to access it... tax-free! What we're looking at is an LDA chart of the cost in red vs. the total cash value in green. It's easy for the client to see with a visual and quickly process that there is more cash value in the policy than the premium paid under the current and even reduced dividend.
LDA allows you to visually contrast the current dividend scale vs. reduced or guaranteed values. The reason this works is visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text and numbers by the brain, helping clients instantly see value of what they paid vs. the value of the policy. Combine the visual below right after and you have demonstrated the cost comparison from above and it's no wonder 90% of LDA members increase revenue directly thanks to better communication.
You can also apply time value of money calculations or IRR if your audience is more financially advanced. Think about adding a custom callout to further enhance your communication with your clients and prospects.
If cashflow is an issue, don't abandon whole life altogether. We still have great options:
Sometimes we don't know what the client can afford. Why not set up a "good, better, best" scenario and lay the values over each other to let them pick the right balance of premium and value?
In conclusion, if were going to show value in whole life for our clients, we need to present it often (maybe in every case) and we need to make it a compelling presentation that makes it extremly easy for our client to see the value.
Check out this sample report to see how we highlight the value and cost of all the client's options. The secret is to compare them over the time they would carry the insurance.
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